Includes: new patient start up,
adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching
& 30 minute Massage

Erectile Dysfunction in Chandler AZ
Serenity Healthcare
2580 W Chandler Blvd Suite 4
Chandler, AZ 85224
Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage
Struggling with Erectile Dysfunction?
Trouble getting an erection?
Trouble keeping an erection?
Reduced sexual desire
Trouble Getting an Erection?
Trouble keeping an erection?
Reduced sexual desire
A New Option for Erectile Dysfunction
In most cases, if you’ve reached this page you might be suffering from erectile dysfunction in Chandler AZ. Though you could also be the spouse or partner of an individual that has it. The contents on this page are generally intended for an adult audience since the topic and terminology associated with this condition could be considered mature. It is a condition that occurs frequently; generally increasing in severity with age. As a healthcare center, our intention is to provide you with the information that you need to understand what is happening with this condition and how we can help you treat it. We therefore don’t hold back when describing the male anatomy and physiology. Even some adults can be embarrassed when discussing such matters, especially when it affects them personally. There is no need to feel that way with us, and you can rest assured that all of our patients are treated in a professional and dignified manner without judgement.

What is Erectile Dysfunction in Chandler AZ?
Erectile Dysfunction is the inability to produce or maintain an erection during sexual intercourse. There is a wide range of severity that may be manifested. An individual may even be able to produce and maintain an erection to some degree, meaning there is definitely a change from the flaccid state, but they are noticing as they age that it is not as firm as it used to be, for the period of time that they want it to be. Or it’s not as big as they want it to be in either length or girth or both.
Around 50 percent of adult males between the ages of 40 and 70 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. The peak of the male libido generally occurs during the mid- to late-20s of age and then begins to taper down, although most men don’t start to notice it tapering until about their early 40s. While these are the general statistics, erectile dysfunction can occur at any adult age for multiple different reasons.
During an erection, there are muscles within the penis that relax. This allows blood to flow into two major compartments. As these compartments fill with blood the penis becomes more rigid, becoming larger in both length and girth. Without this functionality, it can be extremely difficult for a man to reach orgasm, and even more difficult to help their spouse or partner reach orgasm. This can be damaging psychologically as well as induce stress on relationships.
$89 New Patient Special
Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage
What Causes Erectile Dysfunction?
There are a number of diseases which can be associated with erectile dysfunction, many of which create general vascular issues throughout the body, which of course affects the genital region. Such diseases might include cardiovascular disease, obesity, and diabetes. Certain medications for high blood pressure or depression can make it worse. Certain life habits such as consuming too much alcohol and especially smoking tobacco products will make it worse. People often think of smoking as something that only affects the lungs, but in reality it reduces all blood vasculature in the body so the blood has trouble on all fronts when it comes to delivering much-needed oxygen to all body tissues – the air is polluted when the blood tries to accept oxygen from the lungs, and the blood can’t travel to the tissues in the body because the blood vessels have shrunk.
There are plenty of psychological issues that can lead to erectile dysfunction as well. Stress, anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can all have a negative impact on sexual performance. Since having erectile dysfunction can be a cause of many of these psychological issues it can be devastating cause and effect spiral if these were present before the onset of ED.
How We Can Help You
In a traditional healthcare setting, a general practitioner will generally try to treat the immediate condition with medication. One of the most commonly-known medications is Sildenafil, commercially known as Viagra. As in cases for other conditions treated only with medication, the medication prescribed is a temporary fix and it does not address other issues going on which may be the root cause of the dysfunction.
Serenity Healthcare & Physical Therapy uses regenerative therapies to induce healing and restore lost functionality. We also combine our treatments and services with nearby partners that are readily available (they’re next door, yet we share the front door). These include chiropractic, physical therapy, nutrition, and wellness. By approaching the condition from a whole-health perspective we can assess other items that might be going on.
We can provide testing which will determine your current psychological state and provide treatments for anxiety or depression. We can assess your nutritional condition to see if you are deficient in certain nutrients. This can even include hormone testing to see if you have low levels of testosterone, which is also a major cause of erectile dysfunction.
By addressing your other health and life habits we may be able to help you get off of certain medications like high blood pressure or depression medications mentioned above. We can help you with weight loss with a variety of methods. One of these tests might include a Zyto scan which uses galvanic skin responses to provide feedback for multiple items related to nutrition and blood chemistry.
Some common regenerative medicine therapies can also be applied in treating erectile dysfunction. Namely, injectable therapies such as platelet rich plasma. Another alternative is shockwave therapy, also known as low-intensity extracorporeal shockwave therapy.
When platelet rich plasma injections (PRP) are used to treat ED, it is often called a P-shot, which is short for the Priapus Shot, named for the Greek god of sexual health. All regenerative therapy is applied with the intent to induce the natural healing cascade and/or accelerate and assist healing using the natural processes of the body. Platelets are a component of our blood which are essential in recruiting other healing factors.
Platelet Rich Plasma injection therapy is a process of using blood collection and platelet concentrating procedures. Your own (autologous) platelets are then re-injected into the base of the penis with a concentration up to 10 times what the body might deliver through the blood vessels. This can induce healing of injured tissues and even cause new tissues to grow. Thus, PRP injections have also been used not just for erectile dysfunction, but also for penis enhancement.
The overall goal with all of these treatments is to provide a more long-lasting solution to erectile dysfunction, which involves healing, restoration of lost functionality and achieving whole- health. This will possibly even make it so that you are not forever-dependent on a medication. Many of these treatments are not FDA-approved. Results vary by patient.
$89 New Patient Special
Includes: new patient start up, adjustment, 1 on 1 stretching, and 30 minute Massage
Contact Us Today For A Consultation
In addition to providing state-of-the-art regenerative therapy treatment options and a whole-health approach to erectile dysfunction, another reason to choose us is that we are not exclusively an ED clinic. If you went to an ED clinic that is known only for treating ED, that pretty much gives away why you’re going there. Here we can privately address your condition with an expert team that is dedicated to helping you feel great again. Call us or send us an email today for an initial consultation.
Around 50 percent of adult males between the ages of 40 and 70 have some degree of erectile dysfunction. The peak of the male libido generally occurs during the mid- to late-20s of age and then begins to taper down, although most men don’t start to notice it tapering until about their early 40s. While these are the general statistics, erectile dysfunction can occur at any adult age for multiple different reasons.